
Buckingham MJ. “Inversion of the Propeller Harmonics from a Light Aircraft for the Geoacoustic Properties of Marine Sediments“, 2nd Workshop on Experimental Acoustic Inversion Methods for Assessmenmt of the Shallow Water Environment, Ischia, Italy, 28-30 June 2004, eds.  J-P. Hermand, S. Jesus, A. Caiti and R. Chapman, Kluwer, Dordrecht, in press. (INVITED paper).

Buckingham MJ. “Wave and Material Properties of Marine Sediments: Theoretical Relationships for Geoacoustic Inversions” in High Frequency Ocean Acoustics , La Jolla, California, 1-5 March 2004, eds. M. B. Porter, M. Siderius and W. A. Kuperman, American Institute of Physics, New York, pp. 3-11. (INVITED paper)

Buckingham MJ. “On the sound field from a moving source in a viscous medium“. JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 114 (6): 3112-3118 DEC 2003.

Buckingham MJ, Giddens EM, Simonet F, Hahn TR. “Sound from a Light Aircraft for Underwater Acoustics Applications“, Proc. International Conference on Sonar_Sensors and Systems (ICONS-2002), Cochin, India, 11-13 December 2002, eds. H. R. S Sastry, D.D. Ebenezer and T. V. S. Sundaram, pp. 43-54. (KEYNOTE ADDRESS)

Buckingham MJ, Giddens EM, Simonet F, et al. “Propeller noise from a light aircraft for low-frequency measurements of the speed of sound in a marine sediment“. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ACOUSTICS 10 (4): 445-464 DEC 2002.

Buckingham MJ, Giddens EM, Pompa JB, et al. “Sound from a light aircraft for underwater acoustics experiments?“. ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA 88 (5): 752-755 SEP-OCT 2002.

Buckingham MJ, Giddens EM, Pompa JB, Simonet, F. and Hahn, T.R., “A Light Aircraft as a Source of Sound for Performing Geo-Acoustic Inversions of the Sea Bed“, Proc. 6th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Gdansk, Poland,  24-27 June 2002, pp. 465-476. (INVITED paper)

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Aircraft Sound